Beloveds, here are some opening words I wrote for a June 5th worship I am helping to lead titled “Come Beloveds History Speaks.” They have Themes of History, Banned Books, and LGBTQ PRIDE. You are welcome to use them in your Church in June, or anytime, with credit, and offerings of love are most welcome but not required for use. If you choose to use and would like to make such an offering of love, please email me at rbiggs@uuma.org for payment info. Again you are free to use anytime, and love offerings are welcome but not required. I hope these words are of use.
“Come Beloveds History Speaks.”
"History Speaks, "but are we listening to what they have to share? A History of people, events, and places, deemed essential and worthy of knowing, is taught to children, youth, and people of all ages. History speaks of multiple accounts, and there are many sides to every story told, read, or lived, yet a single story is often made known.
A single-story is often made known. Speaking of stories, who knows what books like The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, I Am Jazz, Jacob's New Dress, Prince and Knight, And Tango Makes Three, have in common? They are all on the list of banned books, and many of the books banned for younger kids are because they have queer characters. Can you imagine what story that makes known? What harm it could, has, and will do?
Well, not here, Come beloveds, come gatherer around in this place of love and care, where not a book nor a person is banned. Where All of you is sacred, where all of you are welcome. Come beloveds, come, let us worship joyfully together.
About the author: roddy bell-shelton uses they/them pronouns and is a Queer, bipoc Young Adult. roddy is a Master of Divinity student at Meadville Lombard Theological and plans to pursue Unitarian Universalist parish ministry.