I invite you all to read my thoughts on the events that have taken place in our nation:
(Not everything in the pome happened this past week to my knowledge but are still very much a part of the larger picture that needs to and must be Illustrated)

In the mid of the day, they struck; full of fear, hatred, and distrust; They had but one goal, and that was to disrupt the transfer process; All they wished to was was to make their opposition known;
And With Democracy in shambles, they stormed the nation; Fueled fully by rhetorics of division, misconceptions, and lies;
With Democracy in shambles, they burned worship spaces;
Not their churches but the churches and sacred spaces of others;
the sacred space of all those who fully embrace a radical love for all;
With Democracy in shambles, they flew confederate and Nazi flags;
they became more and more violent and outspoken as time ticked on;
But honestly, with democracy in shambles, what did we expect;

We have grown as a nation; many of our values have changed; We value the lives of others; we value each other's worth; we strive for justice;
Yet democracy is still in shambles, and it takes more than values for change; It takes more than the dreamings of thousands for change to occur; It takes all of this, that’s for sure, but it also takes accountable actions, Accountable actions to dismantle racism, Accountable action not to stay silent anymore; Accountable actions to liberate the oppressed; ' Accountable actions to rise from the shambles of Democracy;
And Accountable action to once and for all build the beloved community. Friends, there is much work to be done, and our demands are needed; You are needed; each of us alone can make a small difference apart; Yet when each of us joins together, we become something much greater;
We become the revolutionary force of love that our nation and our democracy so desperately need. Friends take care of each other, act in accordance with our Values, and let them lead you in Accountable actions, always guided by love and compassion.